100 Homes

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Home 1
Nabrangpur, Odisha
Nabrangpur location map

The family lived at the far end of the village. It actually belonged to another hamlet, where there was a greater concentration of Scheduled Tribes. They were apprehensive about being interviewed - we had to make multiple requests because they were suspicious of our intentions. Their house was a beautiful structure made from mud, complete with a functioning toilet courtesy of the Swachh Bharat Mission, although it remains unused by family members.

There were 4 members in this household - S., his wife and his two sons. They had two calves, and the elder son had taken the calves to graze when we arrived at their house. The father worked as a farmer on a small piece of land that he also owned. The farm was close to his house but he shared it with two other people living nearby.

As their house was at the edge of the village,they were set geographically apart from the other villagers. The room at the back of the house was not in use anymore because a heavy bout of rain had seeped through the thatched roof and flooded it.